Tatkrakhmalpatoka JSC is one of the oldest enterprises of food industry in Russia.The enterprise
was founded by two plants established in the late of XIX century and in the beginning of XX century.
The Kazan syrup factory was the first built in 1859 by Vasiliy Efimovich Solomin (1832 — 1896), the merchant of the second Guild who in 1859 bought a "courtyard area with a one storey brewery and a wooden outhouse, a charred building in the second part behind Mokraya Street... in the back of Tatar Meshchanskaya Street" and built a starch and syrup factory there. In 1861 in his own house in Prolomnaya Street (now it is a house at the address: the city of Kazan, 62 Bauman Str.) he started the gingerbread manufacture which in 1874 was greatly expanded and became the largest one in Kazan. V.E. Solomin produced the maltose syrup necessary for many kinds of gingerbreads in his own starch and syrup factory. According to 1887- edition “Factories and plants of the European Russia and the Kingdom of Poland” were registered 22 people worked in the Kazan syrup factory, the factory produced 10000 poods (163 800 kg) of products at the sum of 11 000 rubles a year, and was equipped with one steam engine of 8 HP. In 1912, according to the “List of factories and plants of the Russian Empire” 26 people worked in the Kazan potato-grating and syrup factory, the plant produced products at the sum of 48200 rubles per year and was equipped with a steam engine of 26 HP.
The second factory was built in 1905 in the village of Kuralovo by Vasiliy Obukhov (1850-1918), the nobleman of the Kazan province, a retired lieutenant colonel. Kuralovsky distillery in 1912 employed 24 people and produced the products at the sum of 31493 rubles per year and was equipped with steam engine of 22 HP.
After the Russian revolution of 1917 the Kazan factory was named as factory “Flame” and became a part of the TatFood Trust continuing to produce maltose syrup. The Kuralovsky factory-sovkhoz was established on the basis of the Kuralovsky distillery and the manor house then it became a part of the TatSovkhozTrust. Later the Kuralovsky distillery became a separate enterprise.
In 1966, on the basis of the Kazan factory was founded the Production Association Tatkrakhmalpatoka which by the end of the 1980s of the XX century involved seven starch and syrup plant on the territory of Tatarskaya ASSR including Kuralovsky starch and syrup factory which in 1985 was reconstructed out of Kuralovsky distillery in the result of the anti-alcohol campaign.
In 1996 the Production Association Tatkrakhmalpatoka was transformed into Tatkrakhmalpatoka JSC as a result of privatization.
In 2008 began profound modernization of factory by construction of new brewhouse in Kuralovsky
branch. In 2015 under supervision of company MEURA (Belgium), grain extracts production line was
started up into operation. In the end of 2017 was put into operation grain elevator with drying and
refining equipment at the storage capacity of 12 000 tons.
In the beginning on XXI century the Kazan factory have found oneself in the city core after 158 years of its existence and therefore had no development prospects due to environmental, infrastructural and territorial restrictions. The Kazan factory was closed in August 2018.
On August 15, 2017 the company changed juridical and actual addresses. The factory in Kuralovo village of Verkhneuslonsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan became the main production site.
The list of CEO on Kazan factory
1966-1976 Safiullin Khanafi Gabidullovich
1976-1984 Nikiforov Adrian Nikolaevich
1984-1987 Aibatov Aibat Magometmirzoevich
1987 -1989 Kulemin Yuriy Konstantinovich
since 1989 Prokopev Albert Ivanovich
The list of CEO on Kuralovo factory
1967 – 1979 Berman Matvey Mikhailovich
1979 – 1981 Shcherbinin Vasiliy Stepanovich
1981 – 1983 Potapov Victor Efimovich
1983 – 1986 Samigullin Fayaz Salimovich
1986 – 1987 Dzingaev Isa Tazhdinovich
1987 – 1988 Muravev Gennadiy Vladimirovich
1988 – 1990 Potapov Victor Efimovich
1990 – 2006 Muftaliev Medzhid Zagidovich
since 2006 until now - Prokopev Albert Ivanovich